Monday 19 March 2012

Kylie Anti-Tour - Word is out and it is some kind of Bliss

Now lets get something straight from the start. For about 15 years there was only one woman in my life, so much so my parents must have been worried I was never going to get a girlfriend ( as time went on this was proven to be true ) I loved Kylie Minogue and not in a way i could rationally explain. I purchased everything from singles, 12 "releases and albums, and not just once. I had to have every format from around the world. 8 massive scrap books full of gossip and fluff, but I enjoyed it. When it wasn't cool to like Kylie I was front row at Rod Laver ( formally National tennis centre ) to get my fill of her PWL brilliance.  For Christ sakes I even had a Kylie Themed 21st birthday party with a cake. If that wasn't flashing the warning signals for my parents then i don't know what else would. As I got older my funds wouldn't allow me to continue my obsession so i reluctantly stopped. While moving once, My flatmate decided to put all my discarded memorabilia back in the truck because he knew I didn't really want to throw it out. Something i need to thank him for, Putting on ebay years later raised a lot of funds. I think it was Bette Midler who said " These Gays will buy anything " *(citation needed) especially 12 scrap books for $800.

So it was with excitement that Kylie announced her 25 years Anti tour for her super fans. I would still class myself as one especially with all the vinyl and rarities i still own. B sides, Rarities and forgotten tracks that when stripped down would make my "Big Gay Out"
2000 fans crammed into the palace theatre in Melbourne and my the entertainment started before the show began. Middle aged women dressed as princesses and a large part of the community still convinced they can slip into a small t shirt when a large would suit better was worth the ticket price alone. I had been to a few memorable Kylie shows over the years including her 30th Birthday surprise gig at Melbourne's mercury lounge, as well as the 'Enjoy yourself' pre tour at Cadillac Bar in 1990. If this was to beat any of these exclusive gigs then it was going to need to be Amazing.

But lets get to the show. Starting with unreleased track 'Magnetic Electric' and then kicking into B side 'Made in heaven' from the original Kylie Album era. Simplicity is sometimes best as Kylie found out. Brilliant tracks from the Enjoy Yourself album and quite simply the finest album Kylie ever released "Impossible Princess" (Drunk / Say Hey) Had the crowd in awe of her brilliance. The super fans were singing every word and shrieking with excitement as the first few bars of the next song started.
Stripped back of the dancers, water features and sequence that a Kylie Show has represented for over 23 years. Our Queen came out in a simple pair of denim shorts and Marilyn Monroe t shirt often pointing out members of the audience who had turned up to see her in a setting rarely seen. Pointing out her parents a collected cheer at the woman who incubated two of pops finest, to many Carol Minogue is a self contained Diva factory. Hearing Kylie's pure voice sing the beautiful 'Bittersweet goodbye' from the Light years album would put any critic back in their seat over the Singing budgie tag that has followed her around since day go.

Finishing on what every super fan was doing "Enjoy Yourself" had the crowd in rapture. As we left it was not a surprise that many of the crowd was lining up again to see show number 2. I expect the next Kylie tour to be a little stripped back and back to grass roots. Kylie seemed to have a smile on her face for the entire show and amazed at the crowds ability to know all the words. but hey, That is why we are super fans.

Now with Jason Donovan's 25th Anniversary next year. Lets hope the Moonee Ponds reception centre has a night free so we can celebrate also.

Monday 12 March 2012




So what is a boy band? Traditionally it is a self formed or formed vocal group. From Motown groups like the four tops to (and some will hate me) The Beatles. Some will say the Beatles are a rock group but they were the one of the first bands that each members distinct personalities was used to appeal to particular girls. This became the template for years to come. I would suggest the first manufactured boy band would have been 'The Monkees' formed for a TV show, concept was about 4 regular guys who were moulded to be a Beatlesque band. When the public wanted the real thing the public got what they wanted and 'The Monkees' were formed for real. The concept for the boy band was for a young girl to explore their sexuality in a safe environment. but what about these personalities? The concept for the boy band was to have the Hot one, the cute one, the bad boy, the dependable one. With extra members you then get to choose the dancer, the black guy and now the gay one. This was not always the way, there were the boy band rules. Thou shall not drink, thou shall not take drugs, thou shall not be gay and most of all THOU SHALL NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!. The members will always need to appear available to their legion of female fans.  British boy band East 17 forgot this when member Brian Harvey endorsed the use of Ecstasy. Within 2 days he had been sacked, but the band never recovered and split soon after. They have reformed a few times without great success.

East 17 - 1991
East 17 2011

The puppet master ( Manager ) ultimately wants to make money for himself, rarely will they be caring about the well being of the members both now or after the band splits. The worst words a manager can hear is " I want to be taken seriously, We want to write our own songs" This is usually the beginning of the end. Pop music is disposable, with disposable songs, but get it right and the future is bright for all concerned ( for a year or two anyway ) When British boy band 'Blue' released their first single 'All Rise,' it was quickly reported they were the boy band it was alright to like. Follow up singles were not as well written and their albums soon followed the ballad way boy bands usually go.
When it comes to boy bands it is widely known that 'Take That' are the benchmark. Popular throughout many parts of the world, initial cringe worthy songs were soon overshadowed by brilliant ballads and adult oriented pop. Lead singer Gary Barlow has also forged a career writing successful songs for other artists. When they reformed in 2006, their ultimate tour sold out witin minutes and have released 3 of the biggest selling albums of the current decade. Proving that when you get it right, you get it right.
Take That 1991
Take That 2011

In Australia, we have been less successful with boy bands. On paper Queensland quartet 'Indecent Obsession' come across as a band. Lead Singer David Dixon fronted while 3 members play instruments and offer backing vocals. When the cover work was chosen for their debut album 'Spoken Words'with all four sporting wetsuits they were quickly pigeonholed as an act men wouldn't be seen following. Despite mild success here and 3 albums ( one with replacement singer and keyboarder), their biggest market was South Africa where single 'Kiss Me' spent a remarkable 27 weeks at number 1 on the singles charts. Sony act Human nature have been going since 1996 and still selling well. They have crossed over with Motown covers albums, the first 'Reach out' becoming the highest selling Australian album in 2005.

The newest addition to the boy band clan is UK X Factor group 'One Direction'. put together by Simon Cowell and comprising of failed solo artists from the show, they became finalists in the 2010 competition and followed up with number one singles and a number two album. In recent weeks they have created hysteria world wide with record breaking selling tours and crying girls where ever they go. It is unknown whether they can maintain the same popularity for years to come, but being clean cut boys with good looks and strong song writers my bet is we will be hearing from them for a few years to come.
One Direction

While there are girls, there will always be boy bands. Their shape will change throughout the years but the ingredients will remain the same. Put in a bowl and stir gently and leave to bake under the public's eye..... but warning!! don't leave out for too long or they will go off.