Monday 19 March 2012

Kylie Anti-Tour - Word is out and it is some kind of Bliss

Now lets get something straight from the start. For about 15 years there was only one woman in my life, so much so my parents must have been worried I was never going to get a girlfriend ( as time went on this was proven to be true ) I loved Kylie Minogue and not in a way i could rationally explain. I purchased everything from singles, 12 "releases and albums, and not just once. I had to have every format from around the world. 8 massive scrap books full of gossip and fluff, but I enjoyed it. When it wasn't cool to like Kylie I was front row at Rod Laver ( formally National tennis centre ) to get my fill of her PWL brilliance.  For Christ sakes I even had a Kylie Themed 21st birthday party with a cake. If that wasn't flashing the warning signals for my parents then i don't know what else would. As I got older my funds wouldn't allow me to continue my obsession so i reluctantly stopped. While moving once, My flatmate decided to put all my discarded memorabilia back in the truck because he knew I didn't really want to throw it out. Something i need to thank him for, Putting on ebay years later raised a lot of funds. I think it was Bette Midler who said " These Gays will buy anything " *(citation needed) especially 12 scrap books for $800.

So it was with excitement that Kylie announced her 25 years Anti tour for her super fans. I would still class myself as one especially with all the vinyl and rarities i still own. B sides, Rarities and forgotten tracks that when stripped down would make my "Big Gay Out"
2000 fans crammed into the palace theatre in Melbourne and my the entertainment started before the show began. Middle aged women dressed as princesses and a large part of the community still convinced they can slip into a small t shirt when a large would suit better was worth the ticket price alone. I had been to a few memorable Kylie shows over the years including her 30th Birthday surprise gig at Melbourne's mercury lounge, as well as the 'Enjoy yourself' pre tour at Cadillac Bar in 1990. If this was to beat any of these exclusive gigs then it was going to need to be Amazing.

But lets get to the show. Starting with unreleased track 'Magnetic Electric' and then kicking into B side 'Made in heaven' from the original Kylie Album era. Simplicity is sometimes best as Kylie found out. Brilliant tracks from the Enjoy Yourself album and quite simply the finest album Kylie ever released "Impossible Princess" (Drunk / Say Hey) Had the crowd in awe of her brilliance. The super fans were singing every word and shrieking with excitement as the first few bars of the next song started.
Stripped back of the dancers, water features and sequence that a Kylie Show has represented for over 23 years. Our Queen came out in a simple pair of denim shorts and Marilyn Monroe t shirt often pointing out members of the audience who had turned up to see her in a setting rarely seen. Pointing out her parents a collected cheer at the woman who incubated two of pops finest, to many Carol Minogue is a self contained Diva factory. Hearing Kylie's pure voice sing the beautiful 'Bittersweet goodbye' from the Light years album would put any critic back in their seat over the Singing budgie tag that has followed her around since day go.

Finishing on what every super fan was doing "Enjoy Yourself" had the crowd in rapture. As we left it was not a surprise that many of the crowd was lining up again to see show number 2. I expect the next Kylie tour to be a little stripped back and back to grass roots. Kylie seemed to have a smile on her face for the entire show and amazed at the crowds ability to know all the words. but hey, That is why we are super fans.

Now with Jason Donovan's 25th Anniversary next year. Lets hope the Moonee Ponds reception centre has a night free so we can celebrate also.

Monday 12 March 2012




So what is a boy band? Traditionally it is a self formed or formed vocal group. From Motown groups like the four tops to (and some will hate me) The Beatles. Some will say the Beatles are a rock group but they were the one of the first bands that each members distinct personalities was used to appeal to particular girls. This became the template for years to come. I would suggest the first manufactured boy band would have been 'The Monkees' formed for a TV show, concept was about 4 regular guys who were moulded to be a Beatlesque band. When the public wanted the real thing the public got what they wanted and 'The Monkees' were formed for real. The concept for the boy band was for a young girl to explore their sexuality in a safe environment. but what about these personalities? The concept for the boy band was to have the Hot one, the cute one, the bad boy, the dependable one. With extra members you then get to choose the dancer, the black guy and now the gay one. This was not always the way, there were the boy band rules. Thou shall not drink, thou shall not take drugs, thou shall not be gay and most of all THOU SHALL NOT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!!!. The members will always need to appear available to their legion of female fans.  British boy band East 17 forgot this when member Brian Harvey endorsed the use of Ecstasy. Within 2 days he had been sacked, but the band never recovered and split soon after. They have reformed a few times without great success.

East 17 - 1991
East 17 2011

The puppet master ( Manager ) ultimately wants to make money for himself, rarely will they be caring about the well being of the members both now or after the band splits. The worst words a manager can hear is " I want to be taken seriously, We want to write our own songs" This is usually the beginning of the end. Pop music is disposable, with disposable songs, but get it right and the future is bright for all concerned ( for a year or two anyway ) When British boy band 'Blue' released their first single 'All Rise,' it was quickly reported they were the boy band it was alright to like. Follow up singles were not as well written and their albums soon followed the ballad way boy bands usually go.
When it comes to boy bands it is widely known that 'Take That' are the benchmark. Popular throughout many parts of the world, initial cringe worthy songs were soon overshadowed by brilliant ballads and adult oriented pop. Lead singer Gary Barlow has also forged a career writing successful songs for other artists. When they reformed in 2006, their ultimate tour sold out witin minutes and have released 3 of the biggest selling albums of the current decade. Proving that when you get it right, you get it right.
Take That 1991
Take That 2011

In Australia, we have been less successful with boy bands. On paper Queensland quartet 'Indecent Obsession' come across as a band. Lead Singer David Dixon fronted while 3 members play instruments and offer backing vocals. When the cover work was chosen for their debut album 'Spoken Words'with all four sporting wetsuits they were quickly pigeonholed as an act men wouldn't be seen following. Despite mild success here and 3 albums ( one with replacement singer and keyboarder), their biggest market was South Africa where single 'Kiss Me' spent a remarkable 27 weeks at number 1 on the singles charts. Sony act Human nature have been going since 1996 and still selling well. They have crossed over with Motown covers albums, the first 'Reach out' becoming the highest selling Australian album in 2005.

The newest addition to the boy band clan is UK X Factor group 'One Direction'. put together by Simon Cowell and comprising of failed solo artists from the show, they became finalists in the 2010 competition and followed up with number one singles and a number two album. In recent weeks they have created hysteria world wide with record breaking selling tours and crying girls where ever they go. It is unknown whether they can maintain the same popularity for years to come, but being clean cut boys with good looks and strong song writers my bet is we will be hearing from them for a few years to come.
One Direction

While there are girls, there will always be boy bands. Their shape will change throughout the years but the ingredients will remain the same. Put in a bowl and stir gently and leave to bake under the public's eye..... but warning!! don't leave out for too long or they will go off.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Roxette Australia 2012 - Big Day In

When Roxette announced their first Australian tour in over 15 years, beyond the excitement i was a little cautious they could maintain the brilliance i saw in 1995. Pop acts are generally a letdown when you see them live but the 'Crash Boom Bang' tour exceeded expectations. Per had a musical presence on stage that fails to show on record, While Marie's power voice commands attention. Being a fan of the band i was aware Roxette had not had a top 40 hit in Australia since 'Sleeping in my car' in 1994, i was also fully aware that Marie had suffered poor health since 2002 and had some limitations since life saving surgery. Post operation complications from removing a malignant tumour included losing sight from her right eye and needing to learn to read again. Marie's movement is very limited so with remembering how vibrant she was on stage back in the day, i was concerned that during a gruelling tour i would be left underwhelmed.

Saturday 18th February 2012 arrives and i make the quick trek to Rod Laver Arena in Melbourne. I take my seat and prepare for the show to start, it had not been since NKOTB in 93 that i had tried and succeeded to secure front row floor tickets for a show. If i was going, i was going in style.

When Roxette took to the stage the sold out crowd went wild. I was not prepared for how much of Marie's movement was taken post operation. Her motor neuron skills was sluggish and her voice not as powerful as before. It took me a song or two before my shock subsided and could get into the show. Wisely only playing one song from their new album "Charm School" and making the hits talk for themselves, The crowd sang and danced throughout the entire night. Popular tunes from their breakthrough album 'look sharp' were met with screams right through to fan favourites such as the melodic ballad 'Crash boom bang'. For 2 hours us fans were treated to pop music in its greatest form.

No mention was made to Marie's troubles and i believe a large section of the crowd would be none the wiser. What could have been made into an Oprah style self congratulatory moment became a touching and powerful statement of the mind and body's will to succeed. When bands form they appear to be a family looking out for everyones needs, As fame increases that side of things disappears and cracks form. Seeing Per and the remainder of the band support Marie through the show gave an insight into this band's dynamics. You get the feeling this is more about proving a point than making a quick buck, like many other bands reforming.  Roxette put on an amazing show, proving why they have sold over 60 million albums and sold out hundreds of concerts in this tour.

Roxette have shows left in Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Sydney. Concert promoters here in Australia didn't believe Roxette had an audience anymore, one once calling them a  "mouldy old project".  Well with over 100,000 tickets sold and 10 shows lets just hope it doesnt take another 17 years before they grace out shores again.

Join the Joyride People

Friday 10 February 2012

100 % SHITS - Celebrity Edition

For years, music producers have known an adoring public will purchase music from their favourite stars. Having the ability to sing always ran a third to their looks and personality. Here is a list of some of my favourite albums and songs from some of the least likely of stars.

Back in 1981, while on a family holiday i saw an album in K Mart Keysborough that would stay in my subconscious for years to come. It was called "Footy Favourites" and I remember wanting it but my father saying NO!! Way before Mark Jackson let the world know he was an individual oh how i wanted to hear Footscray great Kelvin Templeton singing "Who's sorry now?" or Hawthorn full forward Michael Moncrieff belting out a copy of Stings "Don't stand so close to me". Oh how i wish novelty albums were released like this now.

" Christmas with your Neighbours "

When Neighbours was the powerhouse it was. Music producers decided that the cast should release a Christmas album. Despite the fact it didn't contain Kylie, Jason , Craig McLachlan or anyone who could carry a note (Sorry YTT's Mark Stevens). The unsuspecting public was faced with Harold and Madge warbling through crap carol after carol.  We wished Stefan Dennis would rock out a Christmas rendition of his hit "Don't it make you feel good" but alas we were left disappointed. It peaked in the New Zealand charts at number 45 and chart positions in the UK seemed to be erased from the Internet to save their music credibility.

But my favourite is the double banger "All my friends" by the cast of Sons & Daughters and  "A Country Practice" If you can ever find a copy of this at a garage sale, GRAB IT. It is the funniest thing you will hear since the last Kevin Rudd speech. Sergeant Gilroy singing "As time goes by" and Pat the rat attempting to hold a note during the song "Friends" will keep you chuckling for hours to come. I just cant imagine the cast of Packed to the Rafters releasing an album of covers........ Quick i had better go before Channel 7 gets wind of the idea.

What do you remember being a crap novelty album?

At least Sylvania Waters Noelene only had one single.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Will Big Brother 2012 be a bigger let down?

When Channel 9 announced it was bringing back "Big Brother" for their 2012 schedule, many people raised an eyebrow thinking WHY?
I, for one was excited by the prospect. When BB was last on Network 10, like most people i didn't watch it. The show had run it's course. Producers had tried everything to reinvent the formula. Sexy contestants, changing hosts, twins as well as introducing a one million dollar winners prize. For eight seasons numbers declined until the kiss of death in Australian television, radio host Jackie O and shock jock Kyle Sandilands finally hit the last nails in the coffin.
But as my mother always said " you'll never know how much you will miss something until it is gone" This was true about Dr Pepper, a gold card for bar 20 and eventually Big Brother. When it was axed in 2008 many people felt a void left by its absence, Sure Masterchef pulled bigger figures but within that important 16 - 34 demographic they needed a replacement show. Luckily that with Internet downloads, many people had access to seasons from both the UK and the US. In the united kingdom the show also was axed by Channel 4. It was the crown jewel in their television schedule since 2001 and continued strong ratings throughout its run. When the famous celebrity big brother race incident of 2007 involving Jade Goody and Shilpa Shetty blew up and the numbers started to dwindle. It looked as though producers had deliberately created tasks that the sociably inexperience Goody would cause conflict.
In 2011, The Channel 31 of the UK, Channel 5 purchased the format giving them the best viewing figures for an entertainment show since the networks inception. Going back to a basic formula where the casting had a blend of characters and likable people hit the right note with viewers.
So what can channel 9 do to make the return of Big Brother as successful as possible? As i know management of channel 9 reads this blog, please take note.
We have found out that the public like reality celebrity shows. The ratings for celebrity apprentice were amazing. Pick the right people and the ratings will be great. They surely know this because signing David Hasslehoff for the second season is a coup. Start the season with 3 weeks of celebrity big brother. Create some buzz by paying the money to get some international housemates and don't just stick in your lost and forgotten roster stars. I would ask Gretel Kileen to be in it, she knows better than most how the game works. Give the public what they want. When Celebrity big brother finishes on the friday night - Commence the standard version on the following Monday. A few people have mentioned it will follow the US version with a "Secrets" twist. All housemates have a secret and fellow housemates need to work it out for cash prizes. Just go back to the original formula. People act differently when faced with real life situations. If one housemate is given a choice to hear a message from home, but to do this needs to sacrifice the letter of another persons. This opens up real life situations and shows a persons true values.
So lets see how it goes, Channel 9 have 7 months to get it right.
Who would you like in the Australian Celebrity Big Brother House?

Big Brother
Channel 9
July 2012 est.

Friday 13 January 2012

Can Graham Norton change the Australian music scene?

The music scene in Australia is pretty much controlled by what music companies feel we want to hear. Many international acts get a release here due to the way they financially performed in their own country or how they are represented in television shows available here.
During the 1980's and 90's many Australian band can credit shows like "Hey Hey it's Saturday", "Take 40 TV" and "The Factory" for their success. Australian music had many television programs able to showcase their talent. It was widely known that if an act went on 'Hey Hey' in the 90's could almost guarantee a strong sales week and instant chart success. That is why a string of mediocre acts such as Freaked out Flower Children, Toni Pearen, Indecent obsession and Peter Andre clamoured to have a live performance on that show. Today, those acts would be dropped by their record company within 2 singles due to under performing sale. Many actors who decided to try their hand at singing could venture away from their own show and have their talents seen by new people.

Throughout the 90's i was amazed how the charts here differed so much from those in New Zealand. Our Neighbours had for a long time been subjected to "top of the pops" screened almost immediately after it was shown in the UK. This is why acts such as Sean Maguire, Billie and certain indie acts charted there before or if ever here. The record companies took the initiative to make the releases come in line with what the UK record companies had slated.

So with Network 10 screening 'The Graham Norton Show" on commercial television here for the first time, can we expect the Australian music scene to cater for what the public will see.  Bands and artists such as JLS, Rebecca Ferguson, Emali Sande, The Wanted and Professor Green have always had strong representation on the show. Now for the first time people will hear these acts and want to explore back catalogues and current albums.

Is it too much for the record companies to stop getting artists on their books to do a cover album to help declining sales, but try to work with their northern hemisphere allies to make the music scene here more diverse.
If they don't, Most of us know an album is only an illegal click of the mouse away.

The Graham Norton Show
Network 10
Saturdays 8.30pm

Tuesday 10 January 2012

YTT - Close your eyes little kiddies

Growing up in the 70's and 80's was an amazing time for being an Australian kid. I could play cricket with the cool kids and ride my BMX bike till at least 8. All this without the relative fear of being abducted or flashed at. With the exception of Mr Baldy our lives were fairly risk free. Why was this? Was it that we were sheltered from fear due to not having the Internet? I suggest that every Saturday night till 1988, the weird uncle we all had spent the majority of their time watching Young Talent Time, and the reruns on worn out VHS tapes. YTT was an amazing show, launching the careers of Dannii Minogue and Tina Arena and creating a family friendly Saturday night. Sure we have all seen the dodgy videos of Tina Arena in leather singing 'you cant stop the music' while gyrating suggestively to the camera. The question on most peoples lips is "Will it work again in 2012?"

Lets not forget that late 1988 Johnny young launched an American version of the show simply called "The New Generation" 13 half hour episodes were made and screened on network 10. It starred the senior members of YTT as well as some of the younger ones. All were known by their first names only( a la the mickey mouse club). It was a ratings disaster and was not renewed for a 2nd season. but back to the question at hand, Yes i do believe it will work. We are used to seeing kids entertain in "Glee" and "High school musical" but the original YTT kids still went to usual schools and were not protected by a more celebrity savvy public. Hey, my brother played cricket with original member Bevan Addinsal and although he bowled pretty badly, his release arm swing turn was a ballet teachers wet dream. Let us hope the kids are not too saccharine and the public can relate to them,

Part of the reason YTT was so successful was they seemed so accessible, the cast were always appearing at a Westfield near you. fan cards, lunch boxes and other memorabilia were always on sale, lets hope channel 10 go back to traditional promotions and creates a buzz with Young Talent time. Ratings will be massive for the opening show but with the right marketing will hopefully maintain a strong continued audience.

While i love the promotional ad channel 10 are playing, the current one with newest team member Tyler Wilford singing leaves a lot to be desired. His singing makes the Normie Rowe and Curtis stone Coles commercial sound like caramel down Susan Boyle's sexy tonsils.

Former Australian Idol contestant Rob 'Millsy' Mills is an inspired choice as host, he appears to be a descent and likable guy. The big question being asked is whether Rob will close the show with traditional swan song "All my loving", my prediction is yes and it will feel less creepy than a late 40's guy singing it surrounded by kids wearing pastels, but hey hasn't the world changed in 25 years.

It may even keep the streets a little safer for another 25 years

Young Talent time starts Sunday January 22nd on Channel 10 at 6.30 pm

Monday 9 January 2012

Jason Donovan - Too many broken comebacks

Universal music have been quick to announce former Neighbours heart throb Jason Donovan will be releasing a new album in March. Jason is fresh from coming third in the BBC1 television powerhouse "Strictly come dancing". Jason has had more musical comebacks than Cher, albeit not so succesful. Back in 2006 Jason also took part in ITV's "I'm a celebrity - Get me out of here" ( 3rd also) and got signed by universal music. In 2008 he released "Let it be me", a collection of 50's songs. It reached 28 on the albums charts in the UK and didn't even chart in the top 100 here. A follow up "Soundtrack of the 80's"reached number 20 in 2010. Although a far more accesible album, Jason's voice just doesn't have the sellable tones for cover albums. Now don't get me wrong, I really like Jason Donovan. I think he has sung some of the better stock aitken waterman catalogue. His third solo album "All around the world" (1993) has some great pop songs, it was unfortunate that it sold poorly and then nothing else was released for 15 years.

What will the Australian public make of a new Jason Donovan album being released here March 16? (4 days after the UK release) Details are sketchy about what style the album will follow. I hope he has gone back to his genuine pop roots. Jason, Don't be scared to use the style that made you the biggest selling artist of 1989. Jason, in recent years has learnt not to take himself too seriously. He jokes about the past and embraces the songs that his fans love. Everything old is new again. Young talent Time and Roxette are taking Australia by storm, Could there be enough room in our retro hearts for a former Neighbour who just wants a little love from the country he loves so much.

Time will see.....

Jason Donovan  - TBA
released March 16 2012
Universal music Australia